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Bruce Berk ’70

Bruce Berk ’70

“Beyond the Bounds”: Supporting NMH Faculty Through Planned Giving

Bruce Berk ’70 has spent his professional career working in independent schools, much like Mount Hermon, where he was inspired by several of his teachers as a young learner.

Beyond his time at Mount Hermon, Bruce’s experience working in the independent school system has reaffirmed some key truths and learnings. “First,” he shares, “we were deeply privileged to receive teaching, coaching, and advising by the faculty at Northfield and Mount Hermon.” Bruce recalls every instructor he encountered who sought to empower their students and build “stronger ethical citizens and effective professionals” through their Mount Hermon education.

“Whether we realized it or not, whether we appreciated it or not, our teachers devoted themselves far beyond the bounds of a normal job,” he reflects. In particular, “influential teachers like Mr. Perry, Mr. Stent, Mr. Conley, Mr. Bailey, and Mr. Sanborn” all left an indelible mark on Bruce’s educational experience at Mount Hermon. Until his passing, Mr. Bailey was a lifelong mentor, he says, and Mr. Sanborn remains a lifelong friend.

“Second,” Bruce continues, “I know from my work that independent schools—other than a few of the truly fortunate—urgently need our financial help.” Like many independent schools and institutions, NHM relies on private contributions to provide financial aid for deserving students, maintain safe facilities and infrastructure, and compensate faculty and staff with living wages.

“Your dollars—and mine—are needed,” Bruce urges. “I have included NMH in my will, and I hope you will consider doing so too.”


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